Call to Action Day on October 11 was a great way to bring the NDNU community together in order to give service to others and help those in need. My Freshman Seminar class went to E. Palo Alto to volunteer at the Ecumenical Hunger Program. We arrived at the site near eleven in the morning and we ate our lunch first thing to have it out of the way. After finishing our meals, we were all put to work by one of the staff. I was tasked to load canned goods and packaged protein with Yuhan. I admit that it was very hard work because the items were heavy. We had to lift the items onto carts and then open them so we could place them on the shelves where they belong. Stacking the canned goods was not that bad; but my arms became tired quicker than I expected because they were heavy to carry around when they were still packaged. We were only there for about three hours but I felt satisfied with the work I did. I did my best to maintain good effort and patience because I knew all the work would be worth it. I was thrilled to find out that all of the items, shelves, and packages we put together and organized were going to be of help to the families coming the following day to receive food and other necessities. I did enjoy doing Call to Action Day because I wanted to help other people through service.
Overall, Call to Action Day for me was successful. But, I would very much like to see more options in the future because I think that more people would be more willing to go and be interested if there was a variety of choices on where to go for Call to Action Day. My experience with the registration for Call to Action Day was fairly easy. I had no issues with it because Dr. Martin registered us and handed us the papers we needed to fill out and give back to her. I know other people had issues with registering but I did not. I feel that if the professors registered their classes for the services they are doing, the whole process would be much easier and there would not be any confusion. It is great that NDNU is active in doing Call to Action Day because it brings our small community together to help and give our time and services to others who are in need.